Dark Circles Under Eyes to Turn into Shining Bright Eyes

Dark circles under eyes immediately start disappearing turning them into shining bright eyes as the eyebrows get raised naturally and lift the eyelids further up and lock them there.
The skin under the eye is thinner than the rest of the skin around. Hence the veins under it give it a blue tinge appearing as dark circles there.
- Also the skin under the eye is affected more by the sun tanning.
- Rubbing or scratching the eye darkens the skin under the eyes as well.
- Medications causing the blood vessels to dilate also pronounce these dark patches.
- Lack of nutrition discolors this area too.
- Lack of sleep or excessive fatigue turns skin pale and shows these dark patches more.
- Pregnancy and menstruation also accentuate the dark under eye circles.
- Age sags the skin, drooping the eyelids and generating bags over there. The dark circles start showing even more than before.
But the way we have been going through our previous posts not only lifts-up the drooping eyelids, removes the excess eyelid skin along with the excess fat-tissue, removes dark circles under eyes, and turns back the eyelids that have gone turned-in or turned-out; but also gets a total facelift for you without going for an anti aging eye cream or an anti wrinkle eye cream, or any surgical procedure.
Just open your eyes FULL in their TOTAL WIDTH by putting a slight smile on your lips, and you will have got the two bright eyes on your face!
And then this only is the right way you should always open your eyes in while you are awake.
If you are really interested in and really curious about whatever you are looking at, it automatically happens so.
We do need looking into this interest and curiosity thing further in its depth and we’ll certainly come out with many more pearls of biological wisdom from there.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Making Up Your Eyes

Eye make up tips are provided on these pages to educate and entice you. There are countless tips that can be considered, but only the best are worth your time. Many of us realize that the eyes are the most essential part of the make up of the face. Take note of these eye make-up tricks for a quick glamour fix that you’ll just adore!
· Arch your brows to begin. The key to a clean look for your eyes begins with a beautiful shapely brow! Avoid the “werewolf syndrome” by trimming and shaping your brows. I highly recommend having a professional stylist do the job. It’s always easier for an expert to tweeze or arch your brows than attempting the do-it-yourself tactic. Be sure to clearly explain your expectations. I always take in a picture to show how I want my brows to look.
Eyeliners. Eyeliners add further definition to the eye and put a more finished look to the effect desired with the application of the eye shadow. To apply the eyeliner, draw the line first on the lower lid, and then draw a line on the upper lid, starting from the inner corner and going towards the outer corner. The eyeliner should be applied closely to the lash line.
Mascara. In putting mascara on the eyelashes, a woman adds more life to her eyes and makes them seem brighter. The color of the mascara that you should choose, however, should complement the color of your skin.
· Choose your shadows wisely. Eye color makes a difference when choosing shadow colors. Brown eyes look good with most colors, however, try adding some variety to your face by spicing it up with some color. Blue and green eyes should avoid the blue and green shadows. This will give you a pale and dull appearance. If you have blue or green eyes, smoky colors tend to bring out your eyes the best. A make-up trio is good to buy because part of the work is already done for you, color coordination. When you use a color trio, go from lighter to darker starting at the lid part of your eye.
· Applying the Shadow. Most women just start applying shadow without the most important initial step, the base. Using foundation to base your eyes brings out the true color of the shadow and allows the shadow to stay on longer. After the base, apply the shadow with a long tipped brush. These are just better for application and blending. To top it off, add a little liner to the very top of your lids to make your eyes appear sexier, but be sure to smudge it. Helpful hint-after applying more than one color, blend them with a separate brush to create a more natural look.
· Mascara is a Must- Choosing your mascara is tricky. Most women don’t put much thought or money into the type of mascara that they use. Well, if I were to invest in one expensive type of make-up, it would be the mascara. Why? Well, for one, cheap mascara can actually lead to breakage of the lashes! It’s true… cheap mascara, which leads to clumping, weighs down the lashes, which eventually leads to tearing lids out to remove the mascara. You can choose thickening mascara, lengthening, or conditioning (if you don’t need longer or thicker lashes) depending on what you need. The make-up market has a plethora of mascara products to choose from. I suggest avoiding colorful mascaras, as they tend to add too much to your look.
· Pull your look together by color-coding. Basically, be sure to tie it all together by choosing the rest of your cosmetics to match your beautiful new eyes. If you are wearing smoky eyes, red lips look great! Shimmery shadows go great with nude or earth tone lips. Never mix shiny lips with shimmery, eyes unless you want to look like a character from High School Musical. With a more matte look, say, an Audrey Hepburn classic look, you can sport earth-tone lips or red lips. Just be sure that you aren’t over killing on one color.
Curl lashes An eyelash curler will make even long lashes look more gorgeous. For added effect, you can heat the curler under a blowdryer for a couple seconds. Test curler before applying to lashes because you could burn yourself.
Apply mascara Place the wand of your mascara brush at the bottom of lashes and wiggle back and forth. Follow with another few sweeps of the wand. Apply to bottom lashes as well.